Greenwood Elementary

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Fundraising for Greenwood Elementary

The Greenwood Elementary PTA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to our students, teachers and staff. Each year, the PTA collaborates with staff and families to map out programs, positions and opportunities we believe will strengthen our community. We’ve been able to maintain these priorities year after year because of the incredible participation of our Greenwood families in our fundraising activities. 

The PTA funds over 50 annual events and programs as well as staff support, including, but not limited to:

  • Dance program
  • Instrumental music teacher
  • Vocal music program
  • Student care advocate
  • Greenwood Garden
  • Playground supervision
  • Librarian
  • Buses for field trips
  • Additional school supplies
  • Science and math program (STEM)

We want to thank everyone in advance for contributing your time or resources to keep these activities funded. 

Easy, ongoing and FREE ways to support Greenwood Elementary School PTA:

Fred Meyer Rewards: Going to Fred Meyer tomorrow? If you’re like our family, there’s a 98% chance the answer is “yes.” Did you know that every time you shop there with your Rewards card, the Greenwood PTA can earn money for valuable school programs and supplies for our kids?

Sign up today! Choose your organization of choice, Greenwood PTA for donation and you’re good to go.

You do have to re-enroll each year, so if you did it awhile ago, take a sec to log in and make sure you’re up to date.

Amazon Smile: Do good while shopping online! Link your Amazon account to Greenwood PTA’s Amazon Smile and every time you buy something through Amazon they will give .1% of the sales price back to the PTA. Such an easy way to accrue much-needed funds to support our kids! Make sure you set this up on your mobile phone, too! Set “Greenwood PTA” as your charitable organization.

Give with Bing: Join Microsoft Rewards and Give with Bing. Once joined, your Bing searches will earn rewards points that are automatically donated directly to the cause of your choice. Just choose Greenwood Elementary School PTA as your cause! 

Other things to be on the lookout for: Taco Tuesday at The Nutty Squirrel and various take-out events with local restaurants. And don’t forget to check if your company provides a corporate match!

Make a donation to the Greenwood PTA at any time.