Physical Education (PE)
Ultimately, the goal of a quality PE program is to inspire children to live an active and healthy life by teaching the knowledge and skills related to physical activity, fitness and nutrition. A successful elementary physical education curriculum also offers opportunities for children to experience success and challenge in a variety of areas, regardless of age or skill level.
What will we do in P.E.?
We will learn about fitness, heart health, and nutrition as well as learn and practice many physical skills. A quality P.E. lesson is at least 70% physical activity. Health and fitness content is integrated into fun, physical activities like tag games or obstacle courses. Some of the P.E. units we will have this year are: Circulatory Obstacle Course ~ Dance ~ Racket/Paddle Skills ~ Soccer ~ Multicultural Activities ~ Basketball ~ Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety (3rd-5th Grades)~ Jump Rope
Seattle Physical Education
The Seattle Physical Education department uses a curriculum called “Five for Life”. The number “five” refers to the five components of fitness: cardio respiratory endurance; muscular endurance; muscular strength; flexibility; and body composition. “Five for Life” also includes units about nutrition, the muscular and skeletal body systems, and heart health. I also teach a unit about the circulatory system and the digestive system and all of these health and fitness concepts are integrated into active lessons, including obstacle courses! More information about “Five for Life”.