Greenwood Elementary

Student Life

Garden Club

students standing in a circle outside listening to their teacher

The Greenwood School Garden was completed in May of 2012 with the support of the Seattle School District and a generous grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. The entire school took part in installing our new outdoor classroom. Third to fifth graders helped assemble the beds and kindergarten to second graders moved a huge pile of bark mulch from the parking lot to create our paths.

There are many volunteer opportunities awaiting you in the garden, from joining our garden committee, helping with our (hopefully) annual harvest fair, putting in some sweat equity at our biannual work parties, picking veggies to serve in the cafeteria or take up to the food bank, or helping with special garden events in your child’s classroom.

Opportunities for larger events will be advertised in the WeeBee newsletter and online, or you are also welcome to join our garden mailing list. For more information, please contact, and follow our Greenwood School Garden blog.