Greenwood Elementary

Student Life


On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

This is one of our main PTA fundraisers for the year. We use these funds to support our arts programming, Global Reading Challenge, buying additional texts for the library, providing each teacher with a stipend for classroom supplies, assemblies, enrichment opportunities (like drama and musical theater, instrumental music, dance), for recess supervision, in-school tutors, and for supporting all of our families through our Family Care Coordinator program.

Kids come outside during the day to challenge themselves to move for 20 minutes straight. The activity choices can range from jogging, hula hooping, jump roping, or dancing – but the challenge is just to keep moving together! Families and friends can support their students by fundraising for the Greenwood PTA.

Below are a few ways you can support during the Move-And-Groove-A-Thon:

1) Write an encouragement note to your Greenwood Star. Send it into the main office and we’ll hang it up in the hallway for them to see.

2) Encourage your kid to train. Turn on some music, jog around the block, practice jump roping- get ready to move as a whole community the whole time.

3) Sign up to volunteer and support during the day.

4) Come and cheer! Not sure if you can commit for a whole time block? Just stop by, bring some pom poms or a cow bell and cheer on kids to keep moving.

5) Fundraise! Set up your fundraising page on Membership Toolkit or use the packet to collect in person. Encourage your Greenwood Star to share what they love most about our school and community.

Have questions? Want to help more? Contact us at!